enable email piping like in cPanel email forwarders to pipe to a script (osticket)
enable email piping like in cPanel email forwarders to pipe to a script (osticket)

This is a valid request, so we’ll look into it. There is no ETA at the moment, but we would really appreciate you voting for this request so that we can accurately assess its popularity relative to other features. Thanks in advance!
Anonymous commented
Hope to see this feature ASAP
We are also looking for same .. Kindly let me know is it implemented or will take time to implement ?
Anonymous commented
IF you think CPanel is your Competitor to compare, this email piping is a must!
Marvin commented
That would really be a very essential function and should definitely be added soon!
Michael Neubauer commented
i agree!
Maikel commented
This shouldn't even be a request, it's a requirement! All ticket systems use this feature...
Anonymous commented
This request was created in 2013 and responded to 5 years later, which just happened to be 2 days ago?!
I just found myself here for the same reason (Plesk + osTicket). I guess I shouldn't hold my breath.
Renato Espoz L. commented
Anonymous commented
Hey! really need time! Migrating from cpanel! :) Love Plesk
Anonymous commented
Does anyone know when it will be done?
Andrew Campher commented
Please any ticket system is useless without piping?
Michael Koontz commented
I would like to see this implemented as well. Not only on the source server but between 2 different servers where the one server is handling the email and the other is a subdomain or secondary domain running a support/ticket system.
raykai commented
i need this for our support ticket software...
Andrew Campher commented
This is a very needed feature! I dont want to have to edit config files.
Florian commented
When creating or configuration e-mail address you should add an option to deliver e-mails to a file instead of a mailbox.
For example on Linux such a delivery file could be "/somepath/filename" or "/dev/null".
This would be a handy feature to process e-mails automatically without the need for access imap/pop3.
This feature could also be used to create "no-reply"-addresses.
Mario Marulanda commented
Not only for osticket, They must do for any script.
Marco Marsala commented
So you can implement your own Asana-like inbound email handler :-)
cPanel offers this functionality. -
Adi commented
Assuming the plesk admin is running a modern MTA i.e. Postfix, not some antiquated and heavily patched qmail fork, you do not need to run the script as the virtual mail user (popuser in Plesk's case). All you have to do is to enable forwarding for an email account to some mycustomfilter@localhost.localdomain email address. Then, in Postfix you'll have to create a custom transport and a filter for that transport and that's it. Example:
1. In /etc/postfix/mytransport enter:
mycustomfilter@localhost.localdomain mycustomfilter:
postmap /etc/postfix/mytransport
2. In main.cf enable this new transport:
transport_maps = hash:/var/spool/postfix/plesk/transport, hash:/etc/postfix/mytransport
3. In master.cf configure the new transport:
mycustomfilter unix - n n - - pipe flags=F user=somelocaluser argv=/var/www/vhosts/domain.com.au/bin/filter-script.php ${sender} ${size} ${recipient}
Restart Postfix, then in Plesk pick an account, enable forwarding and enter mycustomfilter@localhost.localdomain as address in the textbox.
Voila, it can be done, safe and secure!
It can also be implemented in Plesk by Parallels, where the following variables will have to be entered by the user somewhere in the interface:
${filtername} (mycustomfilter)
${scriptpath} (/var/www/vhosts/domain.com.au/bin/filter-script.php) -
Tozz commented
Piping e-mail to scripts is something from the past. E-mail is getting more and more "virtualized". In the past e-mail boxes were actually users on the system, which is no longer the case. As of now all mailboxes are virtual and all belong to 1 UID. As piping data means starting a script as that UID, it might have serious security implications.
If a user would be able to create his own pipe script he could start a shell as the mail server, and read mail from all users. Bad idea.
There are other ways to fix this, eg, using FAM or maybe IMAP IDLE.
Anonymous commented
i agree too!