Switch Fail2Ban to global Apache log if "Piped logs" option is enabled.
As for now, Fail2Ban parses error logs on a domain level. If there are more than 500 domains on the server and the "Piped logs" option is enabled in Apache configuration, it would be more efficient for Fail2Ban to automatically switch to a global Apache log.
The request is based on the false assumption that it would be more efficient to parse only the central access_log if many domains are hosted on a server. In reality in such a scenario that log will grow huge very fast. This will increase parsing time of Fail2Ban considerably and can lead to stalling the service. Instead, for Fail2Ban it is much better to split jails, and on servers with many domains even split Apache jails into parts by domain start letter A ... Z so that the individual Fail2Ban process can finish swiftly and free resources again for other tasks.
For that reason we decline the request.
-- PD
Sollertis Diginaiset commented
It would be probably simpler to add all sites to one log if Fail2ban is active.
Not just sites that are in WP toolkit.