DKIM and DMARC support for plesk

We’re happy to announce that DKIM support is now available in Plesk Onyx, which was released recently for early adopters. You can try Plesk Onyx here:
If you have any feedback on the implementation of this feature, please let us know on the forum:
We’re closing this request since DKIM support is completed. We have also created a separate request for DMARC. If you need DMARC support, please vote for it here:
Thank you!
Anonymous commented
That would be useful! Tx
xoue commented
would be awesome
Working on it! -
Anonymous commented
Please Add this feature to Plesk
Anonymous commented
Please do asap
Chandran A P commented
@Sergey Lafter i switched tp pleask my emails got blocked by outlook and gmail, gmail still trying to solve but i could solve outlook, i did not had so much of spam messages when my hositng was in ipage. now i could see a lot of increse in spams several looks to be coming from my own email. in spite of all workaround being installed in the server. I WILL SAY PLEASK IS AN EXCELLENT PANEL WITH EXCELLENT SUPPORT. but i think this also needs a quick resolution
@Chandran, could you share more about reputation damage coming from workarounds? Might be interesting for everyone here
Chandran A P commented
Workarounds are causing ip reputation issue
bjorn commented
i hope dnssec will come along with dkim/dmarc then... because seriously, with all the work-arounds in place it's like not having a controlpanel at all (work arounds for letsencrypt, dkim/dmarc, dnssec, ... and switching back from the workaround to the controlpanel isn't something i trust either
Manel commented
Great idea ! !
Anonymous commented
Just in time...
As you can see the function is planned. It is expected later this year.I am not sure what you mean by "Odin for Linux" as "Odin" is a company brand, but not any particular product. Your forum thread hasn't been removed, but you are referring to while all Plesk have been moved to quite a while ago.
Andrew commented
Really, this is getting rediculous. I asked about this back in September 2014
Post has since been removed, and we are still waiting for this ??? Just FYI Odin for Linux got this feature ages ago ...............
Really is pathetic from such a huge company
Roberto Minoletti commented
Please DKIM + DMARC integration
Anonymous commented
Please DKIM + DMARC integration
Anonymous commented
How come this take a crazy 2 years to make ?
Anonymous commented
Please DKIM + DMARC integration
Anonymous commented
any news?
@Anon and everyone,
yes, working on it. Completely understand the priority -
chris commented
DKIM + DMARC integration plz because all public email servers ask that protection!!
And to do manually it's not a simple!!!!