DKIM and DMARC support for plesk

We’re happy to announce that DKIM support is now available in Plesk Onyx, which was released recently for early adopters. You can try Plesk Onyx here:
If you have any feedback on the implementation of this feature, please let us know on the forum:
We’re closing this request since DKIM support is completed. We have also created a separate request for DMARC. If you need DMARC support, please vote for it here:
Thank you!
Chris, commented
We absolutely need the DKIM feature.
SPF is not enough at those times.
Please do your best !
Physicus commented
It's overdue! A hosting management system without support of DKIM and DMARC ist completely useless today. I am just before deleting plesk from my system and choose a competitive product.
Hi everyone, we know it is hot topic for you.
We are working on it in our next release -
Arnau Galofré commented
Please, I NEED DKIM in plesk
Anonymous commented
"The leading cloud platform to run and grow applications, websites and hosting businesses"
Really? When we cant even deliver a secure and verifiable email?!
This is where we your users end up! Joined in frustration as our clients leave us because we cannot provide a reliable email service. All because we chose Plesk as our 'platform'. Amongst the top results when you search for Plesk and DKIM are requests from 2014. Appreciating that it may take some time to implement a solution does not excuse the tardy response that is approaching at least TWO YEARS WITHOUT A FIX for a deficiency in functionality that will ultimately ruin us lot and seal the demise of Plesk and possibly your other products based on your reputation and proven track record of not listening and not supporting your user base!
I dont think my rant will make any difference to Plesk - however we all need to ensure we broadcast the facts as far and wide as possible. By raising awareness of this fundamental feature deficiency - hopefully further users will opt for something else. This in turn may encourage hosting service providers to drop Plesk as an offering too.
Then Plesk may decide to do something about it - by which point it will be too little too late!!
Plesk - we all want you to succeed - but you gotta listen, gotta provide a workable solution and seriously gotta up your game!
Anonymous commented
DKIM is planned in Plesk, that is great. It would be even better if it was given priority. Many webmasters are simply not aware that, without DKIM, a lot of their server-sent email goes straight to the receiving server's /dev/null.
They'll just never get any feedback on what went wrong. In the mean time business is lost. -
Anonymous commented
without dmarc and dkim it´s useless
Morris commented
Anyway to increase txt record max length over 255 first....unable to post 1024 key legnth DKIM record in DNS
ivan commented
shit,despite all these users requesting dkim and dmarc you don´t apply this, fucking plesk.
Pablo Smitarello commented
Hi, add DKIM adn DMARC to PLESK, today is very important to have those two records up and running otherwise enay email will be capture as SPAM.
Please, do it ASAP.
Is really easy for you and incredible useful for us.
Do it ASAP please. -
Pablo Smitarello commented
Hi, i add DKIM adn DMARC to PLESK, today is very important to have those two records up and running otherwise enay email will be capture as SPAM.
Please, do it ASAP.
Is really easy for you and incredible useful for us.
Do it ASAP please. -
christian Guitton commented
Yes please we need it. Is it so hard to implement that ? Other solution to install it ?
Anonymous commented
DKIM and DMARC support for plesk please
Anonymous commented
We really need this feature!
M.A commented
Fucking retarded, leaving you to change the name to "Odin" and put less nonsense and fuck up DKIM and DMARC. We are losing customers because of your incompetence on this issue as they mark them all emails as SPAM and today is the most important in a company that mails fucking come and must come not whether the version of MySQL can be exchanged and small system upgrades.
If this does not change soon we change to another system.
alberto commented
Please add support for DKIM and DMARC to Plesk 12.5
Petr Vonka commented
Yes, please add support for DKIM and DMARC to Plesk 12.5.
Bjorn commented
DMARC support doesn't really matter (you can just add _dmarc.<domain> TXT v=DMARC1;p=reject to your dns template and dmarc is done), but DKIM, please !
sure we can still get it manually, but it would be appreciated to have in plesk. -
Anatoly commented
Many public email providers such check DKIM and know nothing about DomainKeys.
Anonymous commented
This is a really important feature for email quality protection. I order to provide high quality email services to your customers this feature cannot miss!