Backup Manager: Backup per Domain / Subdomain (within subscription)

We finally declined this request. If you want to back up some website separately, the best way is to create a separate webspace for it.
Thanks for your ideas and comments!
Tuan Sinung commented
Backup and restore per domain in a subscription is a must have feature
Some clients usually have multiple domains
It will be a burden if a restore for something on domain A breaks something in domain B
It make clients have to sacrifice domain B for domain A for example -
Anonymous commented
This would be a great feature. Also if you want to move a subdomain to another subscription. I want this for a long time - i think confixx could it
Devon F commented
I was surprised this wasn't already built into the platform. I would love to see this going forward please
Noah commented
It will be a very useful and perfect add!!
Daniel Cambria commented
It will be perfect for our clients!!!
Daniel33 commented
Thinking too it would be a cool improvement, to be able to manage backup of subdomain individually.
Thanks, -
John commented
Much needed feature. Asked for in 2016, yet still not there!! Unacceptable!
Anonymous commented
i was not even aware of this problem.
we have a portal where every customer gets it own portal instance with subdomain (so its own configuration and logo, its own custimization, its own products and its own database).
www.portal.tld (the default website)
customer_C.portal.tlddoes this mean that if we need to restore a backup for customer_B all data for other customers will also have been reset?
that would be a complete disaster.
so if this is currently the way it works i would like to give this feature request a +1000000 upvote.
Ronald commented
This would be a useful and logic addition. Why backup everything if you have like 5 subdomains (member area, community etc) if you only need 1 site backed up.
This is asked 4 years there any progress?! -
Oliver Lippert commented
That would be awesome for bigger subscriptions. Currently I just want to work on one small subdomain (sized by 140MB in files and a small database with 5MB) and started the backup for the subscription wich is by 10 or 20 subdomains, 6 Domains, 13GB space and 10 Databases or something like that... That will take some minutes and some Performance. Just backup the Files and DB would take some seconds and really less Performance :)
Anonymous commented
Will be good to create backup separately per domain, now if you have some error in database it sopping to creating all backup from all website.
Anonymous commented
Right now you can just do a backup by domain. It will be interesting if we can do a backup by sub domain. not all the domain