zend opcache - fastcgi or apache write settings per domain
fastcgi is supposed to work with the new opcache in newer php versions and we are forced to use it on the apache module. Fastcgi will always flush cache after 30 seconds. Nginx will work but requires a considerable amount of work.
Apache works but causes file permissions issues with files written by apache to be owned by apache.
Id like to see support for opcache with fastcgi, or be able to set write permissons for apache module as per domain.
Due to the issues php opcache or apc is very tricky to use in a plesk server environment.
These problems solved for Apache 2.4 + PHP-FPM. Next Plesk release 12.5 fully supports PHP-FPM. This functionality is now available in Plesk 12.5 preview. Please visit the following forum threads to learn how to access Plesk 12.5 preview:
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Madalin Ignisca commented
Currently in Plesk fcgid is used for fastcgi PHP in Apache HTTPD. To get the benefits of opcaching (OPCACHE, APC, XCACHE) mod_fastcgi is required and mod_fcgid must not be enabled at the same time.
It would mean for Plesk to support a lot more templates options that would cause troubles.
As with the migration to PHP-FPM support, you get better performance, better security and more flexibility then classic (and idiotic) fastcgi implementation through mod_fcgid or mod_fastcgi.