Memcached support
Include memcache and settings for ram etc as standard.

Since Plesk Onyx you will be able to install memcache as a Docker container and configure http(s) proxy rule for it to map to your web app.
Docker and proxy rules are available in Plesk Onyx Preview already, you can try it here
H.K commented
A user should be able to run his own redis/memcached instance under panel hosting settings.
A version of redis/memcached should be supported under plesk updates and upgrades.
Maybe an option to view OPCACHE stats here would also be awesome. Covering all caches in a section under hosting.
A user should be able to run more than 1 redis instance or the host should be able to limit this, as per hosting package.
A user would click the redis/memcached (all under cache header) section under hosting settings.
On a new page, the top menu would read.
New Redis instance, Delete Redis instance
New Memcached instance/Delete memcached instance.
The redis/Memcached instances would be shown in a list on this page, if possible some stats. Like Hits. Hit rate. Cache Size etc.
An instance can be started or stopped or cache cleared under this menu.
It should be possible to edit cache ram size and other settings here. Similar to editing an SQL database in Plesk.
Clicking the 'New Redis/memcached instance'. Will Create a box asking for Port, Instance name and other relevant settings.
If possible hits percentage, memory usage, peak memory usage, and key in store could be displayed per Redis instance.
Caching is really missing in Plesk Right now. Loads of people use it, the performance gains are well worth it, and these are all open source apps. Many of us are already running them on plesk servers. Im running both on mine.
Code for redis stats below
$fp = fsockopen('', 6379, $errno, $errstr, 30);$data = array();
if (!$fp) {
} else {
fwrite($fp, "INFO\r\nQUIT\r\n");
while (!feof($fp)) {
$info = split(':', trim(fgets($fp)));
if (isset($info[1])) $data[$info[0]] = $info[1];
<title>Redis statistics</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
font-family: arial,sans-serif;
color: #111;
} {
background-color: #DFA462;
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
text-align: center;
margin: 6px;
float: left;
}div.key {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 42px;
}div.detail {
text-align: left;
}div.detail span {
width: 90px;
padding: 2px;
display: inline-block;
}div.detail span.title {
text-align: right;
<body><div class='box'>
<div>Percentage hits</div>
<div class='key'><?php echo round($data['keyspace_hits'] / ($data['keyspace_hits'] + $data['keyspace_misses']) * 100)."%";?></div>
<div class='detail'>
<span class='title'>Hits</span>
<span><?php echo $data['keyspace_hits']; ?></span>
<div class='detail'>
<span class='title'>Misses</span>
<span><?php echo $data['keyspace_misses']; ?></span>
</div><div class='box'>
<div>Memory usage</div>
<div class='key'><?php echo $data['used_memory_human'];?></div>
</div><div class='box'>
<div>Peak memory usage</div>
<div class='key'><?php echo $data['used_memory_peak_human'];?></div>
</div><div class='box'>
<div>Keys in store</div>
<div class='key'>
$values = split(',', $data['db0']);
foreach($values as $value) {
$kv = split('=', $value);
$keyData[$kv[0]] = $kv[1];
echo $keyData['keys'];
</html> -
Thomas commented
include php-memcache(d) extension in php plesk pack
Madalin Ignisca commented
APC can be added easy by any sysadmin.
Redis would be a lot better then Memcache as it supports PASSWORDS for each instance.
This way an instance could be attached to a subscription with a random password provided to the client only.
A mention is that passwords can be discovered by clients with full ssh access from the configs. It can be fixed by changing permissions to the folder and files for Redis configs.
I give a vote so the Plesk stuff would consider Redis or Memcache with sockets (like php-fpm) instead of tcp ports (personally I can secure Memcache as well in other ways).
Manuel Rios commented
Include MEMcached as a module instalable on plesk options
guido commented
Benjamin Hodgetts commented
This should ideally be "Memcached" rather than "Memcache" which is the older, not as feature rich version. It's one of the few modules missing from the "Multiple PHP Install" packages which is a major problem for some people.
Kamil commented
and apc
Anonymous commented
apc is redundant due to opcache in php
Kerem Şen commented
Plesk should have Memcache and APC
dave commented
Plesk should have a caching section, with controls for PHP opcache, Memcache and redis.
Anonymous commented
this is super idea :)