RDNS Setup For Domains
Please Do allow to create RDNS(reverse DNS) records to the users for their mailing severs.
Many other Service providers have easy setup for that like: http://www.rackspace.com/knowledge_center/article/rackspace-cloud-essentials-creating-a-reverse-dns-record

Thank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
— AY
Additional information regarding this request:
Please be sure you are an owner of IP-address if you plan to vote this suggestion.
An owner of a block of IP-addresses has ability configure PTR records for IP-addresses in the block. If you rent a server or create a virtual machine in a cloud, you are not an owner of IP-address.
Usually, companies like ISP or Cloud Providers own blocks of IP-addresses. In this case, you need to use Hosting/Cloud Provider Control Panel and set up reverse zone for an IP-address (not in Plesk Panel).
Minneapolis TechOne commented
My company is an ISP and we have two /20's directly from ARIN.
We are authoritative for our IP space.
We would like to use Plesk to manage our in-addr.arpa zones and PTR records.
This has been requested numerous times over the course of at least eight years.
I think it's time to add support for in-addr.arpa zones.
As far as I can tell it might be as easy as "allowing" in-addr.arpa as a "valid" RFC domain in Plesk - aside from that, in-addr.arpa is a DNS zone just like any other.
Carmelo R. Cartiere commented
It is a paramount addition.
Diego Staviski commented
Favor adicionar este modulo o mais breve possivel.
We hope to add it quickly, as it is very important because it maintains the reputation of the field
Luis commented
Please add it.
I need it.
Thanks! -
Alex commented
Thank for input this protocol in the DNS template for next update Plesk Obsidian Linux
useful for mail servers with SSL.Alex
Anonymous commented
Please add, some hosting providers had their own IP space and it would make it easy to manage if the reverse DNS can be managed int eh same location as their other domains.
I understand those that don't own their own space can't use this but there are still those of us that do and would like to be able to do this.
Fadi Asbih commented
I think such a feature is very important for a production mail server! and should be implemented ASAP!!
Abdullah KURTBAŞ commented
Hello Guys, I am able to add rDNS and PTR record easly in cpanel. Now i am testing Plesk Panel and there is no way to do it easly. I have to go back to Hosting Provider and do this operation manually which is not confortable. This should be a future build in already in Plesk. I am really dissapointed about this problem. I am looking forward to see this future in Plesk
Klaus-Uwe Mitterer commented
I find it odd that this still doesn't seem to be implemented. As we don't want to manually modify the DNS configuration files on our Plesk server, this means that we have to run a separate set of DNS servers just for RDNS...
Miquel Molina commented
Sorry, we do not accept mail from hosts with dynamic IP or generic DNS PTR-records. Please get a custom reverse DNS name from your ISP for your host.
I have asked my ISP, and they told me that I can do it myself, but it would be easier if you add this feature to Plesk. I have a dedicated server.
Tom commented
No reverse DNS? Wow. Please add it.
Ondřej Vaněk commented
Why, so complete solution like plesk, still doesnt have rDNS ?!?
Steffen commented
and what is if an isp want's to manage the reverse dns of the "own" ip-blocks with plesk?
technically it's a domainname which dns-records - things which can plesk deal with.or an isp want's to give their customer the control over the subnet (e.g. /27, /29) the customer
is allowed to use. -
Marcel commented
Provide support for rfc2317 to allow adding PTR records with submask 29.
Anonymous commented
You need to tell more
Ed Tremble commented
This is something your server/network provider needs to set, not your control panel vendor.
While there technically could be a way to make this work.. the challenges and potential for problems to integrate it with every network/server provider system would not be worth the dev time compared to other requests that have far more value.
A better option that Parallels could do though:
Ensure that mail HELOs on dedicated IPs are periodically synced to what the PTR records actually are set to.