Phalcon PHP framework
Automatic support phalcon framework
This request is 7 years old and has only received a few votes. The current market share of the Phalcon PHP framework is <0.01 %. Unfortunately we can only implement support for frameworks who have some popularity among users. For that reason we need to decline this request.
-- PD
Anonymous commented
Totally support this. One of the best frameworks --it takes some time to installe it in Plesk though.
Julian commented
It would be great because here in Spain we use it. Besides, large companies are adopting it very well for its performance. I had a season doing interviews and almost all companies asked me if I know Phalcon or Symfony.
Rich Milns commented
Version 3 of Phalcon now has LTS status and supports PHP 7
No, cPanel doesn't support Phalcon, that would be quite an overstatement
cPanel only provides guidelines how to download and install custom modules including Phalcon because cPanel requires PHP built right at a server. But at the same page ( there is a clear statement saying
"Warning: cPanel does not provide _support_ for custom modules."Equally you can build your own PHP with Phalcon for Plesk and then use Plesk guidelines of connecting your own PHP.
Alexander Bien commented
Cpanel support Phalcon, and a bunch of other modules. -
There are no news yet. At some point we will explore how much it is beneficial to our web dev users, but no certain date yet.
Alexander Bien commented
Is there any news on this? It seems that Phalcon 3.x is becoming more and more popular amongst early adopter webdev's. Even though this Suggestion does not have a lot of votes - it may be a good point for Plesk to just include it.
Alexander Bien commented
CloudLinux alt-php Stack supports it - i think Plesk should support it as well.
-> alt-php56-phalcon (CloudLinux)