Generate a deploy key per repo in the Git extension
Currently, the Git extension only generates one deploy key per Plesk user (according to @PleskHelps on Twitter). Unfortunately, GitHub doesn't allow a deploy key to be used more than one time across ALL repos, meaning every single GitHub repo requires a unique deploy key. As a result, I can clone only one of the 40 some repos I would like to on my Plesk installation.
I would like to suggest the option to have a unique deploy key generated for every single repo you want to clone. That would make the Git extension infinitely more useful for me and many others, especially when using Github as the upstream master for them.

The ability to deploy an SSH key per repository has been implemented in the Git extension 2.3 version.
Akshay Sood commented
For 5 years now... Seriously? Come on, guys...
Jakob commented
Please fix this BUG!! This is very important to me because I have this problem since I am using Plesk.
Anonymous commented
Any update?? ...
Erik Kraijenoord commented
This is idiotic, for over more than 2 years still no solution and again had this problem at my office. Plesk do something about it because this is a design mistake and not a uservoice request.
Jonathan Hirschbaum commented
this is pathetic... with cpanel and plesk being the same company now we are running out option to break magical 1990s deployment model. 3 years ...
jcobas commented
How is this going? I recently hit this problem after working some time to finetuning CI for the first subdomain and realize it wouldn't work in any subsequent subdomains that pulls on diferent repositories of the same git server because the key is allways the same.
The lack of this feature is a real problem and a full stopper if you plan to use git to manage deployments in a Plesk environment, something that should be fairly common nowadays.
Ali Bakir commented
It's all lovely learning about the git extension for the first time, then as soon as you trust that it's a good way to deploy - you are screwed by this limitation. As I use github exclusively, I'm limited to just using this extension once per server!?!
Anonymous commented
+1 for this feature, otherwise working with Plesk and Github in a professional way (e.g. website deployment via git) is not possible.
Anonymous commented
I'm waiting for this. I use bitbucket & github as workaround, but we need an oficial solution from Plesk ASAP.
Hadi commented
see this channel , if you need some clue for the setting ( )
Thank you
David Pérez commented
Still waiting for this???
Sylvain Martens commented
Would be nice to have one SSH key per sub domain instead of subscription.
Dave Gerber commented
Is this still a thing? I'm currently facing issues with the user authentication...
Ignácio R. Correia commented
Dear Plesk, with the evolution of CD CI you really should consider allowing us to add credentials either that or create a vault system to all secrets. That said, we will need to find alternatives otherwise, please prioritize this.
Glenn van Es commented
Also facing this issue, very frustrating.
Andres commented
Please solve this. It's a must!
Erik Kraijenoord commented
This should have been fixed on request, it's not a uservoice, it's a design mistake. When you have a 30 domains license you should move to bitbucket because Plesk thinks it's a uservoice. It's not, this should have been fixed a long time ago...
Dylan commented
A work around is to transfer to bit bucket. You can deploy to different website root folders with a single SSH key.
Espen Grimsgaard commented
This would really be helpful. Like in - I really need this.
Mark Desborough commented
I am sure others have come across this issue but not found this post to be able to vote for this functionality. I only came across it by chance. An ETA would be welcome. I am trying to use the GIT feature to deploy multiple developments to a development server (same server box different GIT repos).