Support all RFC3696 local part characters
Allow email address, local part to have characters such as $ as per RFC3696 which allows ! # $ % & ‘ * + – / = ? ^ _ ` . { | } ~
My problem is that I have moved my hosting package from eXtend to Plesk, and suddenly I have a bunch of email accounts I cannot re-create.

The issue fixed (see #PPPM-12781 for reference) in the Plesk Obsidian 18.0.34
Johannes commented
This should not be a feature request but a bug report because Plesk does not comply with RFC3696. For example you cannot forward mails to valid addresses because of this limitation
Jürgen Nagler-Ihlein commented
Same for me. I moved to an ISP using Plesk Onyx and now all the very well known shortcut email addresses forwarding to very long, auto-created addresses containing a percentage sign are gone. This is a show stopper and I may have to move back. Never thought that the software an ISP is using is relevant for selecting the right ISP.
Damon Dransfeld commented
Please allow creation of email addresses containing special characters (like Umlauts) in Plesk, using postfix's existing ability to support UTF-8 characters.
I successfully tested email delivery to mail handles containing umlauts, see this forum post for more info:
I'm certain that Email Aliases containing non-ascii characters are possible without disturbance to the rest of the mail system. That would allow users to receive emails to addresses containing i.e. umlauts by forwarding them to existing all-ASCII email addresses.
But it would be better if Plesk properly supported UTF-8 for email throughout the entire stack (postfix, qmail/dovecot, spamassassin, antivirus, Plesk).