Secure MySQL connections (from Plesk to externally hosted databases)
Secure MySQL connections via SSL/TLS: it is only a number of small changes in the code and a huge step in decreasing the attack surface.

This functionality was added in Plesk 18.0.52 ( ). We suggest you to update to Plesk 18.0.52 and check it out.
You can find additional information in Let us know if you have any feedback - visit our forum at
— AY
Benoît commented
The changelog says :
"Plesk now supports secure MySQL connections. The Plesk administrator can now connect to a remote database securely via SSL/TLS and prohibit using a non-secure connection." -
David Marcus commented
Does 18.0.52 support secure connections when using remote access or is this just for Plesk to connect to remote databases?
Pedi commented
I can't believe Plesk has no Built-in feature for encrypt remote MySQL-Connections.ufff
Robin commented
5 years and still no TLS for MySQL.
Hello? -
Gunter commented
Yes, it is very important also in my opinion.
Mathias Bank commented
I cannot understand how it is possible in 2023 to use unsecure connections to the SQL database - especially as in a database you are typically saving personal data. That makes Plesk to be in a severe conflict with the GDPR and thus to be not usable in many use case scenarios.
So please make this a high priority issue!
C V N commented
Need it badly. High time essential SSL support is given.
Joshua Moniz commented
A must requirement
Jan Reilink commented
Non-SSL connections to databases are not done nowadays, c'mon and add some support!
Dennis Ng commented
Hosting with Data-in-transit for Remote DB should be implemented. Please consider the in the new Plesk Feature
Rope Access commented
Preferably using LetsEncrypt...
Rope Access commented
This should have been implemented a long time ago, it's a fundamental principle of database work..
Anonymous commented
I cannot even consider using a database without being able to encrypt the connections. Please consider this as an essential piece of work.
Plesk Tech Support commented
Allow the user to configure Database Servers to connect over SSL, specifying SSL certificate, CA certificate and SSL key. Currently, this has to be done manually via phpMyAdmin config file at /usr/local/psa/phpMyAdmin/
Tom commented
I'm using a cloud based (AWS) mysql instance, with this becoming more main stream this is essential security and needs urgently addressing.
Anonymous commented
Please do this. It will be a very big security step. Thanks for your work.
Hans H. Mobron commented
should have been implanted long ago and shouldn't even be a question here.
Mooksz commented
Yas pleasee
Peter commented
This should really be implemented ASAP. It's a must-have feature in GDPR regulated environments.
Anonymous commented
up up up