Plesk interface's web server support for TLS 1.3
Add support of TLS 1.3 to Plesk interface's web server. TLS 1.3. improves security.

TLS 1.3 for the panel is available since Plesk Obsidian 18.0.21 for the OSes with openssl 1.1.1+, for example: RedHat/CentOS 8, Ubuntu 18.
LC commented
As we currently understand it, Onyx will not be re-worked to support TLSv1.3, but feel free to re-verify this yourself
The only "official" TLSv1.3 option will be Obsidian (which at the time of writing, is still a long way from being made a Plesk stable release).
Ubuntu 18.04.2 'appears to be' the first LTS OS to provide OpenSSL 1.1.1 by default now, but all the others will follow.
If all the other LTS O/S only follow AFTER Obsidian is officially released by Plesk, then arguably (!) the current Plesk policy makes sense. If they follow BEFORE Obsidian is officially released by Plesk, then that policy, has been shot to bits and must be revised ASAP.
Meantime, don't hold your breath waiting for TLSv1.3 on Onxy 17.5.3 or 17.8.1, especially if you're using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS because at present, as it's a case of "'s what you already have, but cannot use when using Plesk Onxy..." :o((
Tobias Gábríél Sörensson commented
Back port this to atleast 17.5.3 since you guys ****** multi server over.
Lenny OBEZ commented
I vote for this feature
Diego commented
1 vote for the TLS 1.3 implementation
Jeena commented
please provide TLS 1.3 and update OPENSSL in centos 7
Phil commented
Yes ! include TLS 1.3 in Plesk/Onyx soon as possible. It's the new protocol
Anonymous commented
Hello, please include TLSv1.3 in the next release!
Anonymous commented
Please include this in the next release; 1.3 has been around for a while now.
7GSoft 7GSoft commented
Voting for such a REQUIRED feature is a non-sense. It's been around for quite some time, and is becoming required by many server tools. Plesk has to be up to date !!
Markus commented
Here are only a few votes. But in real, watch the forum, you see hundreds of Plesk users and I already use custom versions of OpenSSL 1.1.1-draft-18(x) e.g. with ngx_pagespeed module and TLS1.3 since around 2 years. It's not a question of voting, it's a question of time and improving security. Greets
Anonymous commented
Indeed! please implement this ASAP.
its official default TLS Version
Anonymous commented
wtf should we vote this?
its official default TLS Version: