Server Health: Show Apache CPU Usage per domain
It is difficult to identify the offending website, and this would help tracking it down

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Added on 18 Jan, 2021
This functionality is also now available in the latest version of the Advanced Monitoring extension. We encourage you to check the implementation and let us know what you think.
Please visit the following forum thread to learn how to access the functionality:
We would appreciate hearing your feedback on the implementation of this functionality. Thanks in advance!
— AY
Loco Creations commented
Well well - how about that!
That's great news.
Looking forward to the results. -
Loco Creations commented
Thanks A LOT, Marcel! The service you have provided - installing and configuring Juggernaut Security and Firewall, at no extra cost - just made my day! Finally i'm able to have a good look at Apache CPU usage per vhost (amongst many other great features).
Thanks again!
Loco Creations commented
this suggestion has been posted over two years ago and has by far the most votes. Is this suggestion website taken seriously? Shouldn't there been at least an official reaction to it, instead of the 'under review' tag, that has been there for ages?
I'm just curious...
Danami commented
Just a note that this functionality has now been added as part of our real-time Apache tracking feature:
Anonymous commented
exellent idea
Loco Creations commented
I would really like this option being added in a future Plesk update.
Tony commented
also wondering whether it can detect and show core usage?
the current percentages seem to be based on a single core.(btw Health Monitor is not showing up at all under Server Management Power User view for me in Plesk 12 only in Service Provider view)
John Shiells commented
fantastic idea... I would take it a step past this and send an email to the server admin if a domain exceeds X value for > 5 min.
Programista commented
This idea is ok, assuming that it won't add a lot of load to the server. On a server with many domains it might affect server performance.
Perhaps better idea would be to set limits (like 80%, 30s) and only alerting when a script is overusing the CPU? Also, would be great to know which request did that overuse, if that is possible.
Anyway, please consider the performance. And if any doubts, please at least make option to turn it off.
Anonymous commented
Using CloudLinux would help you with this issue
André Contreras Jiménez commented
@Sven L. Has a point, I'll like that feature too.
Yes, you can use htop, and I'm sure it must have a tool for monitoring, but this is for suggesting ideas for built-in features. If I discover in the health monitor that a domain is using a lot of resources, I'll suggest my client to move his site to a VPS or another server more free.
Sven L. commented
what i actually would like is a way to limit the cpu usage from one web/user/subscription whatever.
i dont want to use timeouts or mem limits. i dont care if a script is running 3h. but i don't want it to be consuming 100% of cpu -
MislavO commented
@Madalin - top is good and if you have some knowledge, there are commands like "ps auxw" etc etc combined, but I would like to see something like cPanel, you can see overall and always current CPU usage per domain, which is awesome, you can tell your client after few months: "look, your domain is using XX% of CPU, which is too much for shared hosting, you will need to move to VPS or dedicated server, depends on your finantials" - how can you do that with Plesk? you can't
Madalin Ignisca commented
You can always use top/htop and watch you processes. You can identify very easy this sorts of problems without adding a load with custom scripts to output in the Panel this informations (one of the reasons why cPanel is so slow).
You all are very much right on that.
This features is very important to keep shared server stable.Thank you plesk, please do it asap.
Joe Wolf commented
Much appreciated to see this in the future ...
Achraf commented
very Important
MislavO commented
True, it is. No offence, but this one is handled better in cPanel. You can see there ALWAYS how much and which domain is using % of CPU and RAM. I already like Plesk more then cPanel although I manage both every day, but this suggestion and implemention in Plesk would be awesome.