Add Google pagespeed integration
Additionally, ngx_pagespeed module is available since Update 43 for Plesk 17.8.11 –
Daniel Hendricks commented
I would like to see this as well. I would be concerned about static HTM(L) files.
Currently, when mod_pagespeed is enabled in Plesk for Apache, HTM/HTML files come up blank. The recommended fix is to "Serve [htm/html] files directly by nginx" to bypass.
It's pretty ugly as it breaks the default Plesk new web site skeleton pages (most of which have .html extensions). There is nothing like signing up for new hosting and you are greeting with a white page (I fixed it by renaming the .html files to .php and advise users to serve .htm(l) files through nginx, but that's not really a "fix").
Tom commented
So ngx_pagespeed integration for Nginx is planed? :)
B_P commented
One feedback about the Plesk extension: It is necessary to enable a re-evaluation of every site!
Anonymous commented
I'm also voting for it!.
Greets and thanks for amazing PLESK ! ! ! -
Viktor Vogel commented
The PageSpeed Insights extension now supports the installation of the Apache module in version 1.1.0 -
The support of the Nginx module is not possible with the extension since you have to manually (re-)compile Nginx with the PageSpeed module. The delivered Nginx binary by Plesk does not contain the PageSpeed module.
This tutorial might help you if you want to install PageSpeed manually in Nginx:
Hasib commented
Plesk Please Please Please add Google page module. It has been many years since you behind others
Anonymous commented
Yes Luke is right. Please ad PageSpeed optimization module for Nginx via
Luke Jon Gibson commented
There's already this, could this not be turned into an extention fairly easily? Automatic PageSpeed optimization module for Nginx
Anonymous commented
Please include to Plesk nginx version with ngx_pagespeed module integrated and probably some dashboard options for enabling it and dssabling and adding rules.
Rainbow commented
Is there an ETA for mod_pagespeed and/or ngx_pagespeed?
Cool Dark commented
Thanks for the tool. Is there an ETA for mod_pagespeed and/or ngx_pagespeed?
JV commented
Hello, I am also seeing the error with Cloudflare enabled. All my clients are using Cloudflare so the tool is useless in this moment.
Anonymous commented
I'm seeing this error as well using CloudFlare. Domain is not active or IP address does not resolve properly. Please select an active domain!
Giancarlo Di Massa commented
Thank you. is there an ETA on mod_pagespeed?
nukua commented
we need mod_pagespeed for apache2.4 and mod_pagespeed for nginx
Hello everyone,
the confusion was caused by overwriting original status rather than appending to it.Notice, that the request remained opened and delivery of PageSpeed Insights didn't close it
However, while many of you were looking for mod_pagespeed specifically, potentially some of voters might have been interested in the PageSpeed Insights extension as well. That's why we considered appropriate to mention it here
Cristian Balan commented
Anonymous commented
Well. This is the insights. But we need mod_pagespeed for apache2 and mod_pagespeed for nginx
WpSEO commented
We asked for mod_pagespeed and not pagespeed insights
nikmauro commented
this is a joke? This is not mod_pagespeed this is "insight"!!!