Keep server up2date with "apt-get" or "yum" (update PHP, Apache, MySQL, etc)
Hi everybody,
Following my post on the plesk forum, I propose to the team having a features which allow the update a server (like an apt-get update and apt-get upgrade) but directly from plesk to update the server.
Indeeed, I find really strange that there is not way to maintain a server up-to-date and we are oblige to directly to the server to launch this operation.

We’re happy to announce that this feature is now available in Plesk Onyx, which was released recently for early adopters. You can try Plesk Onyx here:
If you have any feedback on the implementation of this feature, please let us know on the forum:
Thank you!
brainforge commented
Just had an issue where yum repositories too far out of date.
Had to get the code from github and build it.# cd /usr/local/src
# git clone
# cd something
# make installInclude someway of managing 'something' installations and updates in Plesk?
Matthias maass commented
At WorldHostingDays 2016 was informed that the next version of Plesk this will involve
Anonymous commented
Can such feature be safely recommended in Plesk with a scheduled task with root permission?
Im considering this but somehow i would like the yum update command to be logged a log-file either to be emailed or to be transfered to a backup repository.
Juergen Trapp commented
In Ubuntu you can this:
sudo apt-get install unattended-upgrades
dpkg-reconfigure --priority=low unattended-upgrades (This will start an interactive wizard, and you say YES)
The default its safely and recommends
Unattended-Upgrade::Allowed-Origins {
// "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}-updates";
// "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}-proposed";
// "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}-backports";
};Thats is and your System Core is up2date
We totally agree that it is important and that many people are unfamiliar with yum to run it manually. Unfortunately we were not able to include this function in previous 12.5 release, but we still intend to deliver it. -
Mitchell commented
A feature like cPanel's 'MySQL/MariaDB Upgrade'. A system where you as user can upgrade your database software instead of upgrading it via the command line. Not every user has the capabilities and knowledge for upgradeySQL/MariaDB. It would be nice if Odin/Parallels would add that feature.
Elompenta commented
Your last Post is one year ago
Do you have new informations in this case?For Security reasons it is important to update all packages on the server.
Joost Pluim commented
MySQL and MariaDB, since the newest phpmyadmin requires higher MySQL and Plesk now uses the version provided by the OS, and that's a pain to manually update
Elompenta commented
I think updates are important for security too
For PHP updates please see another request:
it is already available for preview in PLesk 12.1 and was backported into Plesk 12.0 -
Ender commented
Is there any progress on this? Stil not see in plesk 12.1 it is really important for us to update PHP
Chris commented
This is a great idea!
Bill commented
I just ran across this thread because I was interested in knowing if Plesk had something similar to cPanel's "Easy Apache" feature which allows updating Apache / PHP with automatic recompiling of Apache. It seams like a no-brainer to me and was one of the reasons I went with cPanel hosting to begin with, although my current host is starting to lack, so now I am searching alternatives. I got tired of paying someone to update PHP when I wanted it done. cPanel does it for me, and does it correctly.
I can see both sides of this argument, but I don't agree that having the ability to update the hosting software is a bad idea. So why not simply make it an optional feature? Then you can use it if you want to, or don't. This seems like a win-win for boths sides.
Andrew Cranson commented
I see this as a potentially useful feature for users with a few servers - to simplify updates with Plesk as server manager. But for those of us with lots of servers, we already have controlled update / change management procedures to follow and Plesk trying to be server manager will cause more problems than it solves.
Maybe Plesk should collect and report suggested updates (accessible via CLI tools) in case we miss things rather than having just an on/off option.
twistedpixel commented
You're right, it was never meant to be a server manager. But that's what a huge number of admins use it for, including myself. I like the option of being able to remotely log into Plesk from anywhere and do a one click update rather than trying to find a terminal.
Tozz commented
But Plesk is not a server manager. It is a hosting control panel. Dont try to make Plesk into something that it was never designed to do.
Phil commented
Obvious for Apache, PHP, MySQL. Don't understand why it's not in there yet. Plesk is supposed to make our life easier. In my humble opinion, Plesk should be a server manager.
> no please don't do this!
Why not? Could you explain your concern about this request? -
danliker commented
no please don't do this!
Anonymous commented
Plesk should make life easier for the admin. It shouldn't be doing things like this (one line commands - e.g. yum update) that can cause trouble if done at inappropriate times or with inappropriate settings.
There are much better things for Plesk to do than becoming a wrapper for yum!