Empty an emailbox
The ability to empty a users emailbox without deleting the account and recreating would be great.

We are glad to inform you that with Plesk Obsidian 18.0.65 we added the ability to quickly empty mailboxes of all mail to the “Mail Accounts” page. The Empty Mailbox button enables users to remove all mail, both incoming and outgoing, from one or more mailboxes with a click.
-- SH
Jan Bludau commented
Nowadays I can already use this function :-)
Robin Labadie commented
Litterally 10 years later. Well, thanks I guess: better late than never, and good to see you still follow older requests as well :)
Tina commented
@Kaspar, another very simple explanation can also be that sometimes you don't have SSH access to your hosting (if you're not hosting yourself ;-) ).
Niels Büttner commented
Hey @"Kaspar", look at the date it was initiated. In earlier times with IMAP one could remove virtually emails, but physically they stayed in the inbox. I took the workaround using POP3, so messages are downloaded and then really the mail server courier or other (not dovecot!) deleted the messages physically (not only virtually!). Why this problem existed, I do not now. Nowadays with IMAP one can delete emails and they are deleted physically on server, too.
But nonetheless tanks for the short explanations as nowadays surely the most users with plesk run postfix with dovecot (as it seems to be the default now when installing a new internet host with web- & emailservice).
Kaspar commented
I don't get why this request became so popular, when it's so easy to delete messages from a mailbox using the command line.
When using Dovecot for example, you can use the following command to remove all messages from the info@example.com mailbox:
doveadm expunge -u info@example.com MAILBOX "*" ALLOr if only want to remove messages older then 30 days you can use:
doveadm expunge -u info@example.com MAILBOX "*" BEFORE 30d -
eTIC commented
Two years later I still think the same thing... it's necessary
Sergio Botta commented
Very useful feature
Cornelius Kipngetich commented
We really need a quick implementation of this. I got one of my client at 20Gb of emails. Also have the feature not to delete contacts and collected emails addresses.
Charles Willcock commented
Critical is too strong a word but it would be a very useful feature - which would help those used to Microsoft servers and Mailenable to migrate to Ubuntu and Linux - which in my experience is a lot better for WordPress hosting when coupled with Plesk.
Alonso Tellez commented
Possibility to empty a mailbox, it´s a must
Qweon commented
We miss the possibility to empty a mailbox. Please include this option.
TRILOS new media commented
Needed for cleaning up orphaned mailboxes where the users didn´t get that adding forwarding does not mean ending up saving incoming mails.
PhotoCompSoftware commented
I need this too!
I forward incomming email to my client's email address, but they can't send if there is no maillbox, so emails need to be delteted after thet are forwarded
3 pages of posts since 2013 and still no feature -
Anonymous commented
A simple tick box for remove all emails older than x weeks/months would be so useful.
Craig commented
It is possible within cpanel as i had a cron command code that did excatly this and saved a load of times and space for people mailboxes but moving to Plesk there isn't this feature again i would highly recommend adding something like this.
Anonymous commented
Agreed. Often clients cannot set up their email clients properly and boxes get full. It would be useful to be able to empty that box easily and let all other details remain unchanged.
The extra suggestion of an automatic delete over a certain age is excellent. This would then mean that this problem would rarely occur.
Craig commented
I vote this as well.
The reason to ask for this ability as not all customers understand outlook or there email client or have it setup correctly they just use pop and away they go so there allocated space can increase and increase but if you gave the ability to Empty a certain users inbox of emails prior to 30 days it will delete any emails that are older than 30 days and with been on pop for example they will not loose any emails as they would have already downloaded them.
Tom commented
It's probably most interesting to have the following features:
- Manually deleting all email without resetting the account (contacts, calendar items, password, folders, etc. remain intact)
- Manually deleting all email older than $SPECIFIED_DATE without resetting the account (contacts, calendar items, password, folders, etc. remain intact)
-- Automate all of the above when reaching the space limit or after a specified period of time
-- An email warning when reaching 90% of the space limit
-- logrotate for email, if you will.Usually one would accomplish this by executing those tasks manually, which is quite the time consuming task.
Such functionality should only be available inside the Plesk GUI and CLI, as this is an administrator's task. Adding all the proper warnings and summarising the amount of emails being removed + the amount of emails remaining, before confirming the removal, should definitely suffice.
Abaton Gmbh commented
You have to concern, that the customer mostly has no idea how to manage his own mails.
if the mailbox is full, he will call the admin-contact and ask for help.mostly it's a email client which is not configured properly and causes the huge mailboxes.
clearing his mailbox or even better to be able to delete emails older than N would be very helpfull.tk
eTIC commented
I would use at least two different modes, manual and automatic, and always from the Plesk administrator's side, not from the client.
As a general rule, the client will not worry about these issues and will end up calling you as always to tell you that the mailbox is full.
A) Automatic Mode: The main one and the one that would be used habitually.
Two criteria:
1) By mailbox size reached
2) By age of the messagesBoth at the Domain level
B) Manual Mode: From the Plesk Panel you could empty at Mailbox level the mails that were necessary according to the previous criteria.
That is my idea of maintenance for the mailboxes.