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2081 results found

  1. Configure the postfix bounce notification email

    Configure the postfix bounce notification email, to be notified whenever Postfix is unable to deliver a message.

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  2. 2 votes

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  3. Ability to automatically update TXT records for Wildcard certificates through Domain Connect

    The domain validation for letsencrpypt for wildcard domains uses a TXT-record (acme-challenge.<YOURDOMAIN>).
    This record is set by plesk on the local dns server, but it is not synchronized to our (the official) nameservers for a domain which is using the domainconnect extension. So the validation will fail, or the customer have to set this record manually every few months, when a revalidation is required.

    Can domainconnect be improved to synchronize this record?

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  4. Be able to control "Outgoing mail traffic" as a reseller without having to disable "Ability to change mail settings"

    The current Plesk business logic, is that the "Ability to change mail settings" permissio, when enable on the service plan, the Outgoing mail control values will be taken from the subscription/domain/mail account settings and will be managed by the customer - namely, that the service plan will not interfere.
    On the other hand, if that permission is disabled (see the image below) at Service Plan > example_plan > Permissions > expand "Sow more permissions" > "Ability to change mail settings", the desired values will be taken from the service plan

    Therefore, it should be possible to control "Outgoing mail traffic"…

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  5. Implement Add-On plans for Reseller Plans

    There should be an option to add "Add-On" plans for Plesk Reseller plans in Service Plans -> Reseller plans.

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  6. Add functionality of updating mailboxes' indexes to "plesk repair mail"

    Sometimes, when emails are manually migrated or restored from a manual backup, it is required to update mailboxes' indexes so migrated/restored emails are available via IMAP.
    Such functionality could be added to the utility "plesk repair mail" so it is possible to update indexes in automated way.

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  7. Ability to track number of simultaneous connections to the MySQL

    Sometimes Plesk is not accessible with error:
    DB query failed: "SET sql_mode = ''" Error: SQLSTATE[08004] [1040] Too many connections

    It is possible to inrease the number of connections but it will also be good to have some monitoring of the current number of simultaneous connections to the MySQL, for example in Advanced Monitoring extension.

    It will help to prevent Plesk downtime and set the reasonabl limit for max_connections

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  8. Ability to select database schema when creating database users in Plesk for MSSQL

    It is required to import databases created externaly with dbo database schema.

    When such database imported in Plesk it is assigned to schema of the database user created in Plesk. When user created in Plesk, new schema is created for database user. For example, user test1 created in Plesk will have database schema "test1"

    This results to the non-functional Database due to wrong schema (reuqired dbo, while database imported with schema test1).

    The suggestion is to add functionality to select schema when creating database users in Plesk

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  9. Add multiple S3 Backup destination/locations

    It would be interesting to be able to have multiple S3-compatible storages configured at a time, so that multiple backup destinations can be used.

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  10. Provide more details and information in FTP logs

    Provide more details and information/verbosity in FTP logs such as /var/log/plesk/xferlog as the information as it is now is meaningless and useless.

    It is now possible to modify and raise the debug level on logs through ProFTPD configuration however, it would be great to be able to fine-tune it from within Plesk.

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  11. 1 vote

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  12. Add abilty to set the main subscription domain as sender address for the subscription cronjob notiffications

    Add abilty to set the main subscription domain as sender address for the subscription cronjob notiffications. For example instead of sysuser@hostname

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  13. Add MySQL extension for Dovecot

    Ability to use MySQL as an extension to Dovecot
    Business case: using MySQL database for centralized authentication to email accounts.

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  14. Allow migrations of accounts between servers that share an external Smartermail server

    As above.

    Currently, it just fails as it tries to create the mail account on the receiving server which already exists on the mail server.

    At the least, you could allow migrations to exclude the entire mail domain and then make an account import tool to bring them into the receiving server.

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  15. Apply "HSTS" and "OCSP stapling" for all domains

    The customer wants the option to apply "HSTS" and "OCSP stapling" for all domains to be automated.
    Or if possible add the CLI command for enabling the "OCSP stapling" so it could be automated via CLI.

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  16. Greylist control per user/subscription

    Allow greylisting control individually per user, while maintaining the control on a subscription/level, not server-wide

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  17. Provide command-line tools to disable Modsecurity rules by ID

    Currently, it is only possible to do via psa database query and subsequent 'plesk bin server_pref --update-web-app-firewall'.

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  18. Add IIS App Pool start/stop and recycle permissions separately from enable permission

    At the moment there is only one permission for IIS App Pool Management.

    It would be interesting if a subscription had the permission to start/stop or recycle their dedicated App Pools, but not to create new ones.

    In this scenario, there would be an option to provide the subscription with a single App Pool, and let them manage it, but not to create new App Pools.

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    open discussion  ·  IgorG responded

    Thank you for your feature request. We will consider the possibility of its implementation if it becomes sufficiently popular and in demand.


  19. Support for MailEnable domains' postoffices folders as junctions

    We use the following configuration on Plesk for Windows: in MailEnable postoffices folder, domains' folders are junctions to folders inside subscriptions' web folder (e.g. C:\inetpub\vhosts\\email). In Plesk Onyx with such setup, statistics were calculated successfully but in Obsidian, it stopped counting the size of junctions, so the mail statistics is counted as 0.
    This setup is important for us, so please return the support for domains' mail folders as junctions.

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  20. Anonaddy as Mail-Service

    I have noticed that I use and also need more and more eMail addresses for different websites.
    If only to see which website may have been hacked and turn off the SPAM on it. Currently it is possible to create aliases.

    However, the list becomes very confusing, as soon as some addresses were deposited.

    There is open source code from Anonaddy on Github.
    It would be great if this would be integrated and also the addon for Chrome/Firefox is adapted so that this works together with the anonaddy in Plesk.

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