fail2ban now supports IPv6 - please upgrade
At some time you closed the request "fail2ban for IPv6" stating that fail2ban does not support it. That was no doubt correct at the time - but now it does, see
I'm seeing a lot of warnings in the fail2ban log on my dual stack servers, like this:
66:1000:b01c:10ab:0:1: [Errno -9] Address family for hostname not supported
and my log checking software is complaining to me about the overly long fail2ban log.
See also:
Thanks! Tim.

Available since Plesk Onyx 17.9 Preview 7.
— rk
Michael Koontz commented
Please, everyone, Follow this link and vote to have IPv6 support for Fail2Ban backported to v17.8. -
Tim Reeves commented
Well, it's nice that it's in Plesk 17.9 - but that means we grunts in the field STILL don't actually have it. 17.9 is still in preview, and even when it's released as stable who knows when vServer-Hosters will actually offer it, or if there may be licence problems if we individually try to update Plesk...
SO, could it be backported to 17.8 and rolled out soon? That would be really great!
Bitpalast GmbH commented
I'd like to direct everybody's attention to -
Joachim commented
Is there a way to add support to 17.8?
I'm not willing to wait another couple of months to get the stable 17.9... -
Anonymous commented
@Mik it is available in the latest preview version of plesk 17.9 look at the changelogs
Mik commented
I would have expected this to be available for Plesk, especially considering more and more people use IPv6!
I seriously hope this will be resolved soon.
It says completed since 23rd of October, however it's nowhere in Plesk yet?!
Mik commented
I would have expected this to be available for Plesk, especially considering more and more people use IPv6!
I seriously hope this will be resolved soon.
hape commented
Please add this very important feature. More and more Clients/Servers use ipv6!
Clemens Mol commented
Customer requests aren't their main priority. They upgrade versions, update UI and charge more. But user requested features (almost) never make it on their roadmap. It's not just Fail2ban also Autodiscover ( and many more examples.
Bjorn commented
This request is 'only' 19 months old.
Great response times @ Plesk, a real example.Keep it up!
Anonymous commented
Needed ASAP, more then 50% of traffic is using ipv6 now at my server...
H50K commented
And pls make a comment field next to white/blk - listed ip's :-)
Here and in the Firewall section... (if i use one roul with multiple ip's)
AmaZili Communication commented
No question, definitly needed
Bjorn commented
I fully agree with Florian's 2ct !!
Florian commented
IPv6 might not be in the focus for an US company. For the rest of the world IPv6 matters. Plesk is no freeware, where you have to accept what you get. Users pay for it and we have a demand to get a broken SW fixed. And yes, a 'security' feature w/o IPv6 support is broken. Just my 2ct
Firehunter commented
I just want to push this here again, as the plesk FAQ got updated with the information, that plesk team is still waiting for 0.10 to become stable release.
Please check at the site the green info box:
"See GitHub Releases for most up-to-date list. Entries below might be outdated"
So if we follow "GitHub Releases" link we see 0.10.3 is latest release.
( conversation starts to drive me crazy -.-
Firehunter commented
At least the status changed to "planned" :)
so hopefully soon...
Florian commented
update soon? any information about plesk?
Firehunter commented
Releated to "Joachim commented · May 14, 2018 20:23"
Yeah their website is very outdated...
Plesk once told me in an request, that they are checking website...But even Plesk updated 1 year ago to V0.9.6 even that the site is STILL saying V0.9.4 is latest stable...
So please!!! read the changelog on github plesk team...
Also you may check out this:
Anonymous commented
We need the IPv6 support. Please upgrade.