Feature Suggestions
Please provide here your suggestion for new functionality for Plesk. We encourage you to review and vote for suggestions of others. The top-ranked suggestions are likely to be included in the next versions of Plesk.
Please write in English so that voters from all over the world can read and support your request.
Off-topic posts will be removed from here
2081 results found
Hi. Please Add Persian Language For Iran
Hi Please Add Persian Language For Iran
2 votesThank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
IG -
Add cache status filed in access log files
When nginx caching activated, cache status like HIT, MISS, BYPASS not visible in access log files.
3 votesThank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases, if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
IG -
Wildfly support
Implement http://www.wildfly.org/ instead of deprecated Tomcat
Created according to the comment from this article https://support.plesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000322173?page=1#comment_360000633734
97 votesThank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
IG -
Temporarily remove insert, update permissions from database when a pre-defined size-limit (quota) is exceeded
When mysql database size reaches it's quota e.g. 1GB insert,update permissions are removed for that databases users. permissions are restored when database is within quota.
in short it should stop the ability of the database growing in size but not stop basic functions like reading existing data...
this would be fine to run on the quota check cron or somethng.
13 votes -
List APS applications installed in a domain
Add in Plesk API possibility to retrieve/get all APS applications installed in a specific domain.
6 votesThank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
IG -
Website Importer must allow FTPS connections
Let's face it, any host doing things right will have plain FTP disabled. Therefore the Website Importer will almost always fail. It absolutely has to be able to connect over FTPES/FTPS. Is this even on the roadmap? It's a great feature, if only it could work.
3 votesThank you for your input. We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it is popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
IG -
change FTP IP
Ability to select FTP IP for subscriptions on Windows.
Currently Subscriptions and FTP use the same IP.
10 votes -
restore particular email from mail account
We need function to restore a particular/specify email instead of restoring the whole emails from the mailbox.
6 votesThank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
IG -
More customizable password strength
Please consider implementing more options for customization of password strength - for example disalbing it, setting allowed password to have lower than 5 symbols or the opposite - increase number of symbols required for a password.
17 votesThank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
IG -
Implement XML API maillist operator for REST API and CLI
Since Plesk Onyx 17.8, maillist XML API operator has been dropped due to it's low usage.
CLI does not cover everything and therefore it would be needed to to be correctly implemented for CLI as well as for REST API if possible.
5 votesThank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
IG -
Add functionality to install extensions using API 3.0 under reseller account.
Add functionality to install extensions using API 3.0 under reseller account.
5 votesThank you for your input. We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it is popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
IG -
Merge several subscriptions into one
A feature to merge several subscriptions into one with all the domains, settings, mailboxes etc.
2 votesWe will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
-- PD
More options to control Wordpress Nginx cache
Automatically clear cache when:
post or page will be added or updated
comment will be added or removed
17 votesThank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
IG -
Implement feature to use WordPress' wp-cli in chroot shell
It should be possible to use the WordPress commandline tool "wp-cli" via chrooted-shell.
62 votesWe don't think running wp-cli in a chroot shell is enough -- so in addition to this we're adding the ability to run wp-cli directly from WP Toolkit interface in the upcoming WPT v6.7 update.
Support of Amazon CloudWatch Logs
Support of Amazon CloudWatch. Possibility to pass site logs to Amazon CloudWatch
2 votesThank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
— AY
Possibility to install Plesk on Windows server with domain controller role
Add possibility to install Plesk on a windows server with domain controller role
22 votesThank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
IG -
please make code editor full screen
please make code editor full screen
18 votesThank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
IG -
Сharge customers based on their website visitors, rather than allocated server resources
Add option in Service Plan Resources, which can regulate number of users.
Allow set different bills by the end of period (month) according to the number of visitors7 votesThank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases, if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.—
IG -
Use Plesk behind HTTP/HTTPS proxy or web application firewall
Implement a feature that it will be possible to update a Plesk license on a server behind proxy or web application firewall (WAF)
33 votesThank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
IG -
Add management of restriction of administrative access to CLI
I would like to be able to restrict admin access to certain IPs using CLI. Now it is possible only via plesk db utility which is not that useful.
13 votes
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