PHP GD webp support
The version of GD provided with Plesk PHP packages does not have support for webp enabled by default. Almost all browsers now support this format.

Supported since Plesk 18.0.27 version
rivasol commented
I have an opencart website on plesk panel. Some of my blog images are webp and some are not. How will we find a solution to this?
my website:
my sample blog posts:
Paul Phillips commented
@Cero You need to upgrade to Plesk Obsidian to get WebP. See the completed comment above.
Cero commented
I have been looking for a solution for Webp for 3 years. On Google search "Plesk Webp" I still come across my own results today!
Cpanel and all other panels have had this for years. Why does Plesk hesitate? Why does everyone have to find out for themselves or live without Webp?I really don't understand that
Azurel commented
This sadly only support GD, not Imagick. :(
I request it here
Kaushal Kishor Mahato commented
Yes. Needed
Alexander Girod commented
I can't believe it's Christmas already. Finally something good in 2020.
Robin Labadie commented
Thanks for the addition! I'm glad to see at least one uservoice implemented at each update recently, keep it up, that's great!
Anonymous commented
About Imagick default support in Plesk? Does it support Webp?
Simone commented
Any update on this?
Paul commented
Please add this feature, this is hugely important to us and our clients keep asking for it. Google now suggests using the WebP format where possible as it affects site speed, and by extension site ranking in search. Thank you
Robin Labadie commented
Next release is out. Webp is still not here. This is an essential feature now, please add this by default so that we can reliably add this on prod servers without having to recompile it on every single PHP update.
Plesk Support commented
People begging from last year for PHP function that can be compiled in less than 5 min, and for a function that should be available without any requests by default. Lol. Begging for simple features from a control panel which they pay for every month excluding extensions charges.
Nalet commented
The software to support it, is already there.
Still waiting...
Anonymous commented
This feature request was on your backlog for your next release in April 2019. Its April 2020. ???
Sebastian commented
I have create an cron script to automatize this : I'am sure that someone can optimize this code, but it's works fine.
Sometime someone can adapt script to other linux version (debian/ubuntu) -
Anonymous commented
Enable WebP Support in Plesk!
Fernando commented
Please enable WebP Support in Plesk!
Paul Phillips commented
FFS... All it takes is adding this to the ./configure line "--with-webp-dir=/usr/include/webp".
How has this not been done!?
We are working on WebP support and focused on Q2.
IG -
Martin Siegel commented
the plesk employees give a **** on your nice requests or they don't read here, so you all have to vote for this proposal so that it comes up and has a minimal chance !!